Taking Care Of Your Knee Fracture After A Car Accident

Posted on: 7 June 2016


When you fracture your knee during a car accident, it can be difficult to focus on anything but your physical pain and emotional stress. These accidents can be very traumatic for victims, and it may be even worse when you are suffering from an injury. Whether your patella, femur, or tibia was fractured, it is necessary to take care of yourself in order to recover. Your care goes beyond physical healing; dealing with both your emotional and financial situation is equally important. Read the tips below to discover how you can truly recover from your accident-related knee fracture.

Immediate And Follow-Up Medical Care

It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention when you experience any sort of accident-related injury. Since you have been diagnosed with a knee fracture, it is likely that you visited a hospital or urgent care clinic for an evaluation. If you have not received a formal diagnosis, visit one of these medical facilities as soon as possible.

Additionally, it is very important to seek follow-up medical care. The care you need will depend on the severity of your knee fracture. If the impact of the injury was light, your fracture may be minor and heal by itself. Severe fractures may require long-term care, and you may need physical therapy to fully recover.

At-Home Rest And Recovery Tips

  • Follow your hospital discharge instructions or your primary care physician's instructions. Take all medications as directed, and attend any future scheduled appointments.

  • Try to avoid using your knee as much as possible. This may require you to take time off of work, and you may have to adjust your living situation. For example, you may want to keep items that you commonly use within arm's reach from your couch or bed.

  • Take notes about your symptoms and recovery. Rate your daily pain on a scale of one to ten, and write down any symptoms that you experience. These notes can be helpful for future appointments with your physician. They may also be useful if you decide to file a lawsuit against the person who caused your fracture.

Discussing Legal Options With An Attorney

As mentioned above, you may need to take time off work in order for your knee to heal. Lost wages following an injury can be very stressful, and the cost of medical bills is equally upsetting. Fortunately, you may be able to get financial restitution from the person or party that is responsible for your knee fracture. Contact a personal injury attorney promptly so you can take legal action in a timely manner.