3 Mistakes That Could Sabotage Your Car Accident Claim

Posted on: 14 May 2015


If you've recently been involved in a car accident and are taking the insurance company to court, then the first thing you'll want to do is hire a personal injury lawyer. This way, you'll have the legal guidance and representation you need throughout your case. Along the way, however, there are also some big mistakes that you'll want to avoid making that--while they may seem small--could end up sabotaging your case and causing you to lose in court.

Renewing Certain Licenses

If you're seeking financial compensation from an insurance company for your injuries and related medical bills, then you'll need to make sure that you can prove you're actually injured. As such, going out of your way to renew a CDL license or even a hunting/fishing license in your state could be used against you, as having these licenses would imply that you're healthy enough to drive a truck or to go hunting or fishing. Always speak with an attorney before you decide to renew these or any other licenses for activities that would require physical activity on your part. Applications for these licenses are a matter of public record, so the defense in your case could find them and try to use them against you.

Skipping a Doctor's Appointment

If you were injured as a result of your auto accident, then you should have seen a doctor immediately following the accident and again for any necessary follow-up appointments later on. If you skip out on even one doctor's appointment, this could later be used against you in court, should the defense attorneys find out about it. Missing multiple appointments or constantly having to reschedule them could show that you're not taking your recovery seriously or that you weren't really injured in the first place.

Social Media Postings

Finally, be extremely careful about what you post on social media regarding the case and what you do during your recovery. Even if you have your social media posts set to be "private," there's still no way of guaranteeing that what you post won't make its way back to the defense attorneys and then used against you. For example, if you're recovering from an injury as a result of your car accident and post on your Facebook page that you're out biking with friends, this could be used against your injury claim in court, should the post make its way into the wrong hands.

If you're looking for a personal injury attorney, contact Oot & Associates Law Offices.