Is Your Ex Showing Signs That They Are Unable To Parent Effectively?

Posted on: 2 October 2015


When you share custody of your children with a former spouse, it can be difficult to accept how the other parent treats the children. While parenting differences are expected, child custody may be in question if you become afraid for your children while they are in the care of the other parent. It's important that you don't react in anger; if you have real concerns, it may be time to contact your child custody attorney so that you can address your custody arrangement in court.

Your Ex Stops Sticking to the Schedule

Although being late for a pickup or drop off can't always be avoided, if your ex begins a pattern of always being late, this could be a sign that they are struggling. If you feel comfortable, ask your former spouse if something is wrong. Reevaluating each other's schedule may be all that's needed to fix the problem. If you don't have an amicable relationship, start writing down when your ex is late either meeting the children or dropping them off to your care. If this becomes a significant problem, it's time to address the issue in court.

Your Former Spouse Gets Angry More Easily

Once the divorce is final, there is very little left for the two of you to bicker about. If you notice that your former spouse seems to get angry more easily, you may have a cause for concern. If you were the primary caretaker and your ex is suddenly thrust into the role of primary caretaker half the time, this can cause significant stress. If the children appear afraid of your former spouse, or you are receiving emails that are aggressive and nasty, it's time to consider a change in custody.

Your Children are Dirty or Disheveled When they Return to You

Children are expected to get dirty, but it is a sign of neglect if your children come back home to you every time dirty and unkempt. If this is a new pattern, there is even more cause for alarm. While coming home once all disheveled isn't a big deal, always coming home this way is a reason to reconsider a custody arrangement. 

It isn't easy to share parenting duties with a person you no longer want to be married to. While each parent should give each other plenty of leeway, there are very real reasons a parent is unable to parent effectively. While they may be unable to recognize their inability, it is up to the other parent to watch out for the welfare of the children when the other is not able to.