Tips To Use When Divorcing A Violent Spouse

Posted on: 26 October 2015


If you are married to an abusive spouse and you have decided you wish to divorce your partner, you will need to take precautionary steps to ensure you are not harmed while you wait for paperwork and court appearances to be finalized. To be involved in a domestic abuse relationship is a difficult situation, but with the proper steps you will be able to make your way to a safer environment. Here are some tips to use when divorcing someone who has been abusive toward you.

Prepare In Advance

Before you file for divorce, there are some steps you should take to prepare. This will help you get to safety before your spouse is served. Often retaliation is the reaction an abuser will give after receiving word their spouse wants a divorce.

Start by saving money, preferably in an area away from the home so it can be accessed if needed. Consider opening a post office box and using this address when opening a bank account. This way, no one will see your statements as you can shred them after reading them each month or save them in a storage unit or safe deposit box away from the home. 

Make copies of important paperwork like birth certificates, social security cards for you and any children, and employment information, and keep this in an area away from the home as well. Memorize phone numbers of contacts who can come to your aid if needed. It is a good idea to have a place to stay immediately following the paperwork distribution so you are safe when your spouse may be at their maddest. 

Apply For Protection

If you are confronted in a violent way after divorce papers are handed to your spouse, immediately go to a courthouse to have an order of protection filled out to keep your spouse away from you. If you have children, have the order specify that you have temporary custody as you wait for your divorce hearing.

If you go to a shelter because of fear of abuse, they will be able to help you obtain the proper paperwork to file for protection. If you are confronted after an order of protection is awarded, keep a list of dates and times of the incidents. If your spouse violates the order of protection, you can call a police department and the court to inform them.

Arrange For Visitation

When waiting for your divorce to go through, visitation may be an issue if you do not have sole custody arrangements in place. If you must meet your spouse for a visitation session, meet at the police department so you will be safe during the drop-off and pick-up times. Let the police know of this arrangement in advance. You can ask the court to put stipulations on the visitation, such as having a visitation supervisor present if you feel your children are at risk. 

If you need more information, contact a legal professional such as Reneer & Associates.