Three Tips For ERISA Disability Claims

Posted on: 16 December 2015


When you want to be sure that you are able to deal with an Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) claim, there are a variety of tips that you should understand. This law deals with retirement and disability insurance, so you will need to act accordingly and make sure that you are able to take advantage of the benefits that you pay for as part of your insurance. With this in mind, read on and follow these guidelines. 

Tip #1: Understand The Filing Process For An ERISA Claim

There are some important criteria that you will need to keep in mind when it comes to filing your disability claim. You should understand that each plan comes with guidelines for you to follow, such as specific waiting times for your application. They will also have appeals processes and fees laid out for you, so that you are able to properly get the ball rolling on your application. You will turn your application over to a specific representative who will oversee your case from start to finish. 

Tip #2: Avoid Some Of The Mistakes That Many People Make On Their ERISA Application

When you want to be sure that you are able to have your application go through without a hitch, there are some mistakes that you will want to avoid. For instance, always compile as much evidence as possible to avoid snags with your application. You should also be sure that you get advice outside of simply relying on the HR department and should steer clear of any activities that may cause your claim to get denied. For instance, if people engage in any activity that their physician told them not to, it will make a representative look unfavorably on your application. 

Tip #3: Hire A Quality Disability Lawyer

Any time you want to make sure that you have backing for your case, you should hire a disability attorney, like Iler and Iler, that can look out for you. Get your attorneys fee in writing in order to be sure that you are able to afford them. Seek references from people who have used these disability lawyers before and always sit down with a handful of different attorneys for consultations before signing a contract with them. 

If this is the help that you need, make sure that you reach out to a disability attorney that can help you out with your ERISA case.