Learn The Roles Of A Bail Bonds Agent

Posted on: 25 April 2023


When a person's arrested, the judge will set a bond amount that allows them to get out of custody once it's paid. This means they'll be out of custody, but will still need to make it to their court appearances. A bail bonds agent is the one who can provide the bail funds on the individual's behalf when they can't pull the funds together themselves. This article will discuss some roles of the bail bonds agent, as well as explain some ways they help individuals who have been arrested.  

Risk Assessment

When someone comes to the bail bonds agent for help with their bail, the agent will start by doing a risk assessment to determine the likelihood of the individual showing up for all their court dates. Some information used during this assessment includes their criminal record, support system, current employment status, and community ties. This information helps the agent determine how much collateral will be needed, and whether the individual will need a co-signer. 

Bail Assistance

The main role of a bail bonds agent is to provide the financial assistance needed for the bail. When the bail bond agent furnishes the money for the individual's bond, the individual agrees to make it to all court proceedings. However, if they miss a court date, then the bond is revoked and the agent will have them put back into custody. 

Ongoing Support 

The bail bonds agent's role doesn't stop at offering financial assistance for the bail amount. They continue to offer support that can include helping the individual with resources for things like addiction recovery meetings, for example. Also, they can help the individual navigate the legal system and while they aren't lawyers, they do have a lot of knowledge and experience that can be helpful. The bail bonds agent will do what they can to help provide the individual with additional support that can help keep them on the right track. 

Court and Law Enforcement Assistance

The bail bonds agent will also work with law enforcement when necessary. For example, if one of the people on bond with the agent commits another crime or misses a court date, then the bond agent will help law enforcement by providing them with information on the individual's possible whereabouts. The bail bonds agent may also attend court hearings to offer support to the individual out on bond, and to ensure they are in compliance with the terms of their bond. The bail bonds person fills many roles, but perhaps the biggest one is offering individuals financial help when they need help the most.