Who Is Liable For Injuries Sustained At A Private Pool Party?

Posted on: 3 April 2015

With warm summer weather comes pool parties and backyard barbecues. While most of these parties go off without a hitch, sometimes a visitor to a private home can be injured poolside. If you or one of your children is hurt at a friend's house, how do you handle the injury and potential liability? Here are a few things to know about who is considered legally responsible for an injury sustained at a private pool party:
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Denial Of Workers Comp Because Of Actions During A Vehicle Accident: What You Should Know

Posted on: 25 March 2015

Your employer or the employer's insurance company is disputing your workers compensation claim for injuries during a vehicle collision. That's because you did something you should not have done during the course of your job duties. Essentially, two types of situations could apply in your case. The basic premise involves whether the action that may have led to the accident was intrinsically connected with your job.  Actions Directly Related to the Job
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3 Possible Arguments You Can Face In A Motorcycle Accident Settlement Negotiation

Posted on: 16 March 2015

As a motorcycle rider, your claim for an accident could face special scrutiny. Motorcycles are sometimes perceived to be more dangerous than riding in a car and this could have a profound impact on your possible settlement. To better prepare for the challenges to your claim, you need to know arguments that could come up. Training and Experience One of the biggest obstacles that could be put in your way of successfully collecting compensation for your injuries from a motorcycle accident is the amount of training and experience you have.
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How An OUI Occurs And Why You Must Appeal

Posted on: 4 March 2015

There are many people each year who don't understand why they've been convicted by law enforcement officers, despite the fact that their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was under the maximum federal limit. These convictions are typically called OUIs, also referred to as Operating Under the Influence. DUIs, also known as Driving Under the Influence, are different from OUIs in that the latter is incurred with a BAC lower than 0.08.
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